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I'm Shona, and I am a professional qualified counsellor and coach who has been supporting people dealing with difficult challenges for many years. I am also registered with the Australian Counselling Association. 

My passion has always been to help other people work through life challenges to find their unique way in life by empowering and supporting them to heal to become their best selves. 


I’m committed to helping empower my clients to find the freedom in life they need to discover their unique passion and purpose.


When life throws us challenges, it can often feel quite overwhelming and at times frightening. We often reach out to friends and family or stay quiet and hope the feelings may go away by themselves.


Counselling and coaching can provide you with positive techniques and steps toward moving in the direction of your personal goals, desires and potential.


The length of time can sometimes equate to 3 or 4 sessions, however sometimes a few more sessions are required depending upon the challenges that may present for you.

Do you need some help to get through a difficult time in your life?

Do you feel stuck and unsure of which way to turn or what to do?

Not sure where you want to be on your path and how to get there?


I’m committed to helping empower my clients to find the freedom in life they need to discover their unique passion and purpose. Which is why at the essence of my work you will find I am committed to helping you:

Find Your Next Chapter

Learn to get unstuck, move forward and discover your next chapter in life

Feel More Alive

Discover what it takes to embrace self-care and feel good on all levels

Believe in Yourself

Release old patterns, live in the moment and find greater self belief

Embrace Gratitude

Ignite new levels of gratitude and feel blessed for all you have in life

Develop Inner-Peace

Learn to reclaim your inner-peace and joy through mindfulness techniques

Live Mindfully Now

Calm your mind, clarify your vision and learn to live more mindfully

"I am 100% committed to providing the best support for my clients throughout difficult times in their lives by supporting and helping them to find their unique pathway towards their true potential." 

Image by Sagar Kulkarni


Counselling and coaching can provide you with positive techniques and steps toward moving in the direction of your personal goals, desires and potential.
Image by Christin Noelle

Life Coaching

Supporting you to develop clarity in your goal setting, assist you to overcome any obstacles and to assist you to reach your desired outcomes and goals.

Image by Lina Trochez


Holding a safe, non-judgmental space, helping you to overcome any problems or challenges. I am here to listen and to support you to make any appropriate changes.

Image by Darius Bashar


Providing a variety of techniques to become more aware of your thoughts and feelings, these tools can be beneficial to manage stress and anxiety.

Group Therapy


I work with people with all sorts of problems and worries including people going through and/or dealing with:

  • Feelings of grief and loss

  • Supporting Carers

  • Finding your way after a relationship breakdown

  • Working through feelings of vulnerability

  • Burnout

  • Coping skills

  • Loneliness

  • Self Esteem issues

  • Life Transitions and transitioning

  • Dealing with Narcissistic Relationships

  • Personal Development

  • Finding gratitude and working towards finding happiness


Book Your FREE 20 Minute Insight Call 

Book your obligation FREE* 20-minute insight call with me, where I will help you gain the clarity, insight and freedom you need to move forward.

What Clients are Saying

"I am so thankful to this amazing woman. When I lost my job, in the same month my wife left with our two children, I had to go home to live with my parents again, I felt humiliated, overwhelmed, and felt like my life was over! After a few sessions with Shona, she brought the light back in my life which was missing, as all I could see was complete darkness."

 - David

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